Sunday 19 November 2017

Meditation -How to meditate?

Now a days life have became more busy,comfortable and things are getting to complex, which causes stress and depression and to overcome this stress and depression one must practice meditation. Here one incident about buddha which i have read earlier I would like to share with you guys.

Buddha was once asked "What have you gain from meditation?"
He replied "nothing"
But let me tell you what i have lost anger, anxiety, depression and stress

Lesson: Sometimes you have to loose things in order to find yourself

What is meditation?
Meditation is simple process of watching your own mind and not fighting with mind not trying to control it either just knowing ourself better.

When to do?
It can be done by anyone, anywhere and at any time and for as much time you are comfortable

●Find the quite place where you can sit comfortably without any distraction for 5 to 20 Minutes
●Sit in comfortable position either on the floor crossing your legs or on the chair
● Make sure your back is straight and legs are placed on the floor (not crossed) while sitting on the chair
●Rest your hand on your lap then close your eyes and turn all of your attention toward breath
● Spend few minutes focusing on your breath and then slowly with grace take a deep breath and focus over your breath
●Our mind is monkey mind it will wander (if you are new). Just bring back your attention to breath.
●Slowly open your eyes and start your day

if you are new to meditate what changes have you noticed in your life. i would like to hear your views. Share your thoughts below in the comment box.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Thor Ragnarok

The third MCU film of this bumper year 2017 has been released. Its nearly about two full years for last appearance of Thor (after Avenger - Age of Ultron), and four full year for his solo appearance (Thor- the dark world). After a long time Thor will be seen with his hammer (Mjolnir). it will be fun to watch God of thunder fighting with villians (Hela and surtur)

As the title of movie is Thor Ragnarok, this story is fully based on Ragnarok (U must be thinking what is Ragnarok), Well Ragnarok is the event in which Hela (Goddess of death)
distroys Asgard and all nine realms and this cycle continues. This would be great to see  both God fighting together i.e Thor and Hela
Another best part about this movie is Thor with the incredible Hulk. team of this both reminds us the fight in the Avenger 2012 There we saw them fighting, Thor was with his hammer Mjolnir and hulk was fully green with anger. it would be great scene watching thor fighting his fellow avenger.Apart from this we would be seeing the surprising team of  Thor and his mischievous borther Loki.
Apart form hero and other important another most important character the movie has great villian. Most Shocking moment was Thor through his hammer Mjolnir toward Hela and she brokes it into pieces it is almost impossible for anyone to lift the hammer but Hela broked it. this shows how much power does Hela have. and this makes this movie to The next level.
This movie is one of the best superhero movie ever with lot of surprises, fight and we all knows where this story will finally lead to... Avenger- War of Infinity

How to stay positive
